First Sunday of Lent


Welcome to the First Sunday of Lent. Click here for today's readings! 

I know many of you have received your packets for the next several weeks which includes your Lenten challenge. IF you haven't received them by Tuesday, please let me know! 

As promised here are a couple of links if you are looking for a little more prayer time or a little more holy reading. Also, please note the link from the Office of Catechesis with some great family activities. our Diocesan website has some wonderful links to use! 

Strong Catholic Family Faith is a resource clearing house with a little bit of something for everyone. Since one size does not fit all in faith, make sure you take a little time to see what speaks to you, what enhances your prayer life and what enriches your family's spiritual journey. 

As part of our Lenten growth, our family decided to focus on not taking part in rumors, hearsay, unsubstantiated claims or gossip. Since it is something we try to avoid anyway, we decided that to purposely practice this during Lent would remind us to pay attention to those times when we may fall into the bad habit of believing the worst in others instead of looking for the best in others. We decided that this "temptation" was present enough, whether in the news or in our daily lives,  that we needed to pay attention to it. So here is a video that we used to watch when the kids were little, I hope your kids enjoy it too. I always recommend Veggie Tales! 

The Rumor Weed by Veggie Tales

I hope these resources are at least a springboard for your journey! Have a great week!

Remember Zoom Classes for grades 2, 7-10 on Sunday 2/28/21


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