Giving Thanks and Other Stuff (ing)!

We are off to a great, albeit remote, start to the new year! Most Faith Formation packets have been picked up and Zoom classes have begun. It was wonderful seeing faces, either in person or virtually! Thank you so much for all of the cooperation, understanding and support during this opening. It has been a wee bit hit or miss but we are managing. 😇

Reminder that Grades 2, and 7-10 have their Zoom classes this weekend. Please use the link that was used for your last class. 

Grades 1, 3-6 have their Pflaum Gospel Weeklies and I hope you are using your "Prayer Space" as a family! Pflaum has great resources online for families, just click the link

Also, we have purchased the Wanderlight game, (for grades 1-6), from Loyola Press! Each level is designed for the particular grade so I really encourage utilizing it Please encourage your child to play! Our code and user info will be supplied via email. 

In addition, the Diocesan Office of Catechesis has continued it's Building Faith @Home series 

Advent Packets will be mailed to houses since there is an increase in COVID 19 cases in our area. I am asking the kids to take part in an Advent Service project that will be explained in the packet. This isn't mandatory but highly encouraged especially because our usual service is cancelled. 

Please let me know if there is anything you need to help navigate this time. We know that it is very difficult with the schools going remote. If you are finding it challenging to structure a time for religion, please use the Wanderlight game, they will learn a lot and have fun doing it!  Also, please let us know if you have any plans for this Advent! I would love to see some picture and some family traditions! 

I know many families will not be gathering as they normally would this holiday season, mine included, but I continue to count my blessings, including being part of this community and for the families who entrust their children to us. My prayer is that you and those you love stay safe and healthy. May you feel God's abundant love for you. And may you know how truly blessed you are. 

Remember, you are held in prayer! 


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