Happy September!
Welcome to a new school year and a new Faith Formation year! I am so excited to get underway, but first things first!
WE are looking for any available volunteers! Especially our teens so if they are available please have them contact me asap! Or call the rectory 315-724-6159.
Registration forms were mailed last week so please let me know if you didn't receive one!
I hope you got a chance to meet our new Pastor, Fr. Tom Servatius!
And our new Bishop, Bishop Douglas Lucia
pictured here with one of our families during his visit to our parish
And of course we celebrated Fr. Buehler's retirement at the end of June. But we are happy to know he will still be around here and there as the Pastor Emeritus.
Pictured here with Jill our choir member. It was a happy day!
But on a more sober note. WE are all reeling from the revelations this summer of the sexual abuse crisis in our larger church. Please read the Bishop's letter on that if you have not already.
That catches us up for the moment! I hope to see everyone at the bazaar and hope that you visit us at the Faith Formation booth! Registration forms will be available there!
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