Busy Times!
Hello Everybody! We are entering our busiest time for our kids as we move through service, Holy Week, Easter and the Sacramental Season. We are going to take one thing at a time for now.
Sunday, March 31st
Classes for Grades 1-6
Confirmation Retreat from 11-4 Meet at the 11am Mass with your family.
Living Stations practice for grades 7-10 from 4pm-6pm in the church.
We have been missing many kids for practice and I am very concerned that we won't be as prepared as in years past so please make every effort to have your child attend. This is such an important event and takes a lot of planning, practice and patience. Our kids are wonderful and come through every time but they need a reminder from us about it's importance. Thanks so much in advance for your help with this.
Friday, April 5th
Living Stations of the Cross at 7pm. We hope our younger families participate!
Students in grades 7-10 should wear solid colored shorts and a solid black/beige tshirt. We do go barefoot for the production. There is a party afterward for the kids in the parish center to celebrate their hard work! Pick up at 9pm.
Sunday, April 7th
Classes for grades 1-6
NO CLASSES for grades 7-10
If you are an altar server or would like to help with palms on Palm Sunday and/or serve Holy Week masses, please let Mai or Tho know. Stacy Boisen has volunteered to coordinate Altar Servers so you can also leave a message for her at the rectory.
Also we need readers for Easter Sunday 9am Mass. Please contact me asap if your child would be interested in reading.
I'm so grateful for all you do to help us be a faithful community!
There are NO CLASSES 4/14 (Palm Sunday) or 4/21(Easter Sunday!)
Sunday, March 31st
Classes for Grades 1-6
Confirmation Retreat from 11-4 Meet at the 11am Mass with your family.
Living Stations practice for grades 7-10 from 4pm-6pm in the church.
We have been missing many kids for practice and I am very concerned that we won't be as prepared as in years past so please make every effort to have your child attend. This is such an important event and takes a lot of planning, practice and patience. Our kids are wonderful and come through every time but they need a reminder from us about it's importance. Thanks so much in advance for your help with this.
Friday, April 5th
Living Stations of the Cross at 7pm. We hope our younger families participate!
Students in grades 7-10 should wear solid colored shorts and a solid black/beige tshirt. We do go barefoot for the production. There is a party afterward for the kids in the parish center to celebrate their hard work! Pick up at 9pm.
Sunday, April 7th
Classes for grades 1-6
NO CLASSES for grades 7-10
If you are an altar server or would like to help with palms on Palm Sunday and/or serve Holy Week masses, please let Mai or Tho know. Stacy Boisen has volunteered to coordinate Altar Servers so you can also leave a message for her at the rectory.
Also we need readers for Easter Sunday 9am Mass. Please contact me asap if your child would be interested in reading.
I'm so grateful for all you do to help us be a faithful community!
There are NO CLASSES 4/14 (Palm Sunday) or 4/21(Easter Sunday!)
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