
It will be getting quite busy, (and a little confusing) for Faith Formation in the coming months as we work through our service projects, Teen events, Lenten season and Sacramental prep! Please stay tuned and take part in whatever way you can to help enrich your families faith experience. YOU are the first and most important witness to your children, so make the most of it! If you need any resources or information and we can provide it, please do not hesitate to ask. We are here for the whole family!

January 28th: 

Classes grades 1-9 
(Grades 9/10 have online work to complete but have until 2/4 to get up to speed since this was Regents week)

February 3rd:  

Catechist Lenten Workshop 10-2 at the Parish Center

February 4th: 

Classes Grades 1-10 (Grades 9/10....get your online work done!) 

February 11th 

Service Date 7-10
Pancake Breakfast!! 
NO classes for grades 1-6

Parents, we are in need of some support. Currently, there are only few parents whose children are attending Faith Formation that are volunteering in any way in the program. In order for our program to succeed in the future we need parent engagement to improve. Please pray over how you can help enhance our program. God has blessed us all with gifts to share.

Three things to consider as you pray: 
What is your gift and how can you use it to serve our children?
Is there something holding me back from being more engaged? 
What will this mean for your own children?
If you would like a passage to pray with consider John 4:35-38

We are getting our kids involved so they see that everyone in our church family plays a vital role. Studies show that sharing this time together strengthens family relationships. Your contribution of time can be as little as selling tickets for the Pancake Breakfast after Mass, but it all matters! (I do need volunteers for the for 2/3-4 too!). Please contact me if you want to discuss getting involved.

Articles of Interest:

No. 1 Reason Teens Keep Faith As Young Adults

Child Trends Data Points


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