
There are classes tomorrow for Grades 1-10,

Grade 10 should have Sessions 1-6 completed online. All paperwork is due tomorrow including letter to the Bishop.

Grade 2 should meet at Mass and sit up front with their teachers. This Mass is to help them be comfortable before as we start to practice for their First Communion

There is no class on 4/24/16 due to Spring Break but we will meet back on 5/1/16 for our final class.  If you are going away and will still be away on 5/1/16 please let me know as there is end of year assessments and paperwork that we need to complete.

Practice for First Communion is Monday 5/2/16 and Tuesday, 5/3/16 at 5pm in the church.  An additional practice on Friday, 5/5/16 will take place only if Fr. Buehler feels that the kids are not ready.

Please contact me with any questions!!


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