Alleluia!! Alleluia!! Alleluia!

Happy Easter!!

Thank you to all of the parents who made it possible for their children to take part in our Lenten, Holy Week and Easter celebrations! The value of the the children and teens presence in this parish is vital.

I often tell our kids that they have no idea how much it means to the older generation when they show up and share their talents and their time. I tell the teens how the younger kids are watching them as they continue to take part in their church. I tell the younger children how just them being there makes all of us smile. They bring us joy. So thank you for allowing them to take part and I hope you continue to encourage them to!

April is upon us, (Really? Because I am still so cold!!😣) and it is our last full month of classes. It is a big month for 10th grade as they complete their Confirmation Prep period. It is a big month for 2nd grade as they complete their First Communion Prep. Please keep all of these kids in mind as we go through the month.

Grades 7-12 are invited on the Ride 4 Faith tour of our city. Pamphlets will be handed out at the classes and available in the church.

4/8  Classes for Grades 1-10
4/15 Classes for grades 1-6  Confirmation Retreat Meet at church at 11am Mass and sit up front.
4/22 School Break No Class
4/29 Classes 1-10   Last class

4/30 Practice First Communion 5p-6p
5/2  Practice First Communion 5p-6p ***Note change in schedule***

5/21 Practice Confirmation 5p-6p

5/22 Confirmation 7pm St. John's Church


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