Fourth Sunday of Lent Update!

Hello!  I hope that you are setting aside time this Lent to deepen your prayer life and your relationship with God.  It is always such a struggle in this fast paced world.  Check out our Facebook page for links to enhance your Lenten experience!

Schedule 3/6-3/12

Sunday 3/6

Grades 1-6   Regular class time

Please remember that as part of our Lenten Almsgiving, we are collecting for the Kino Border Initiative. This is completely free will and not in conjunction with the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl campaign. Any funds collected will be sent to help supply basic self-care needs like shampoo, soap, socks.  Because the Kino Border Initiative has a relationship with we will be able to make a bigger impact.  This is part of our Year of Mercy initiative.  A way of opening our hearts and minds to the plight of migrants in our own country.  Mercy begins at home.  

Grades 7-10   Practice for Living Stations of the Cross from 4-6.  This is our final run through and dress rehearsal.  We only have an hour to get through our part, at 5pm Mrs. Nassar will come and we will practice with her. Please be on time and get into your costume immediately.  You have been so great through this whole process and Fr. Buehler, the teachers and I want to thank you!  As a show of appreciation, after Living Stations we will have a party at the parish center from 8-9. 

Friday 3/11

Living Stations of the Cross  7 p.m.

Students arrive at 6:15 pm and assemble downstairs in the grotto.  Please do not be late.

After-party!  You have earned it!! From 8-9 in the parish center

Please let me know if you have any questions!


  1. To all the Wonderful Young Adults that participated in the "Live Stations Of The Cross",Friday 3/11/16; .....I have been involved in many public events all my life. I was so over whelmed with your behavior and devotion in making this the most beautiful and faith moving event I ever had the pleasure to be part of as a volunteer! May the life of Jesus Bless each and every one of You!
    THANK YOU! marcella asselta

    1. Marcella Asselta, Thank you so much for bringing your gifts to help it be so! You are such a blessing to our parish and this program!


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